One of my favorite ways to reflect upon God’s existence is the intelligent design argument. By looking at the design and features in creation we can see God’s work. In this post, I would like to have a thinking and reflecting session together with you. Let´s take a step back from all the scientific arguments and just rationally think for a moment.
There are so many blessings that we take for granted. We have got so many features that when thinking about it leaves us in awe yet we never think about it. That´s why I like to inspect creations including my own human body and be amazed by all the complex features that they contain.
The human body
Let’s start looking for intelligent design in our own existence. We were once nonexistent and now we exist. We do not only exist but we are biological miracles if we think about it.
Our kidneys are filters that remove waste and toxic substances from our bodies, regulate our blood pressure, produce vitamin D to strengthen our bones, and much more. Our heart is the “heart” of our circulating system. It pumps blood throughout our bodies, which transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones between the lungs and the rest of the body. Once we cut ourselves our blood immediately helps to stop bleeding by clotting at the location of the injury.
Our liver detoxifies the blood coming from the stomach and intestines and creates necessary nutrients before passing it to the rest of the body. Our most precious eyes are protected in their homes which is called the eye orbit. It helps to prevent any serious damage from coming to your eyes.
We see intelligent design by the placement of our eyes, yet we do not think about it. Even our eardrums have a crucial role to keep us balanced while standing up straight. There are many more uncountable vital functions that a person would have to study all of their lives in order to fully grasp all of them.
Now I am asking you. Who planned all of that? I mean who put a fully automatic system together that all of this happens so seamlessly without requiring you to organize and manage all of it. Did your mother plan it while she was pregnant to you? Or did you put together all of these miraculous organs by yourself?
Obviously, the science of biology explains how a human body grows from an embryo into a fully grown human being but as I mentioned in the article Creator and Law, the science itself only explains how something happens. It still needs someone to put the law (science) in place.
First Beings without Intelligent Design?
Scientists try to explain that the first-ever living creations came to be some billions of years ago in the sea. They say, that there used to be a chemical soup in the sea and a bolt of lucky lightning hit this chemical soup at the right time and the right place to start a chemical process.
This chemical process eventually lead to the first living cell, which copied itself over and over originating all the living this that we know of on this earth. They, without any conscious minds, decided to multiply themselves and some of them decided to become fish, elephants, bugs and some of them eventually decided to become human beings.
When saying it out loud it sounds very nonsensical, even stupid, yet that is the best explanation that scientists can give us if they remove God and the intelligent design argument out of the picture.
Scientists who believe in Intelligent Design
Luckily there are numerous scientists that strongly believe in the existence of God. See: and
I strongly recommend you to watch this video to understand why the theory above is extremely unlikely. Stephen C. Meyer who is the director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute explains two major doubts against it.
Mathematical Probability of a single protein forming by itself
The Pen Example
If I would be saying that the pen on my desk came all by itself, you would be calling me insane. It does not matter how many billion years pass, a simple functioning pen will not create itself out of a piece of metal. It needs design, it needs intelligent input, it needs a creator. So how are we supposed to think that a pen can not come by itself but an incredibly complex being such ourselves can?
Intelligent Design that serves us
We are lucky beings to have a Creator who not only has created us but also made this earth a form of sustenance for us. We simply have to look around us. We have got air that we unconsciously breathe in. We’ve got water on this planet that we rely on. We did not create them for our benefit. They were just here. We have got farm animals physically much stronger than us yet they obey us, so we can benefit from them.
We have dirt under our feet that magically grow our food once we put seeds in them. We are born with functioning hands and feet, eyes and ears, nose and mouth. We put food in our mouths and our body turns these delicious foods into energy all by itself. We don´t do anything for that, except enjoy the food. We have got a brain, a heart and many organs that have incredibly important duties and they work all by themself without a rest. Even our latest technology phones need to be recharged every day for them to continue to work. We have got all of these blessings just handed to ourselves.
Lastly, let me ask you a question. Would you agree to give your eyesight for all of the riches of this earth? Think about it, I am not asking for a couple of million dollars but all the wealth that this earth contains. The majority of the people will not accept this offer. Since once we think about it, our eyesight has so much importance for our lives, we wouldn’t trade it for anything.
So shouldn’t we thank our God who gave us our eyesight and much more? Shouldn’t we follow his commands? Especially if his commands are so simple and beneficial for us? And especially by doing so, we would have access to his paradise after our death? That is definitely something to think about.