Surah Al-Hijr [15] | Key Themes and Analysis of Rukus

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Background Information of Surah Al-Hijr

Central Theme: This Surah emphasizes Allah’s commitment to preserving His revelation and the futility of mocking His signs and messages. It also discusses the origins of evil through Satan’s pride and the consequences of denying Allah’s messages.

Revelation: Surah Al-Hijr, consisting of 99 verses, was revealed in Mecca.

Key Themes and Messages

  1. Divine Preservation of Revelation:

    • Protection of Scripture: Allah assures that He will protect His revelations from corruption or distortion, highlighting the divine nature and authority of the Quran.

  2. Creation and Divine Order:

    • Evidence of Creation: Calls on humanity to observe the majesty, beauty, and order in creation as evidence of Allah as the Creator and benevolent Lord who determines life and death.

  3. The Role and Fall of Satan:

    • Origins of Evil: Traces the emergence of evil to Satan’s arrogance and his subsequent mission to lead humans astray. Satan is granted time to continue his work, but his efforts are ultimately limited and futile against the faithful.

  4. Divine Mercy and Punishment:

    • Stories of Prophets: The narrative of Abraham and Lot illustrates the dual aspects of Allah’s mercy and wrath. While Lot’s people are destroyed for their sins, Abraham receives messengers with glad tidings of Allah’s mercy.

    • Fate of Other Communities: References to the people of Madyan and the residents of Al-Hijr (Thamud) serve as warnings; they were destroyed for rejecting Allah’s signs, despite the potential for mercy had they followed His guidance.

  5. Call to Worship and Humility:

    • Human Origin and Nature: Reflects on the human creation from earth and mud, emphasizing the humble substance from which humans were made and the importance of recognizing one’s beginnings and inherent frailty.

    • Praise and Devotion: The Surah instructs believers to praise Allah, pray with humility, and serve Him faithfully, reinforcing the importance of devotion in the face of divine omnipotence.



  • Protection of the Faithful: Reassures that true believers will not be overtaken by fear or grief, as Allah’s grace is a remedy against the evil propagated by Satan.

Topical Analysis of Rukus​​​

Ruku 1: Verses 1-15

Allah is talking about the infidels who deny the Qur’an and make fun of Muhammad (pbuh).

He talks about societies that denied the prophets that came to them.

Allah is talking about the preservation of the Qur’an.

Ruku 2: Verses 16-25

Allah is talking about the creation of the sky and its protection from demons.

Allah explains the creation of the earth, the plants on it, other living things and how He has provided us with His treasure.

God speaks about life, death and the day of judgment.

Ruku 3: Verses 26-44

Allah explains what He created man and jinn from.

The prostration of angels to man (Adam), the rebellion of the Satan and the dialogue between him and God are revealed.

Ruku 4: Verses 45-60

Allah tells about the condition of His servants in Paradise.

God describes his mercy and torment.

The angels that were sent to Abraham (pbuh) as guests and the conversation between them and Abraham (pbuh).

Ruku 5: Verses 61-79

The angels that previously came to Abraham (pbuh), visit Lot (pbuh) and the conversation between them and Lot (pbuh).

Some people from Lot’s tribe come to Lot’s (pbuh) house and talk to him.

Allah tells about the torment He inflicted on that city and talks about the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Ruku 6: Verses 80-99

Allah is talking about the people of Hijr and what happened to them.

Allah tells the Prophet (pbuh) how he should treat people.

Allah talks about people who believe in the verses of the divine books that are beneficial to them but do not believe in the verses that do not suit them.

The Prophet (pbuh) is now commanded to spread the message of Allah openly and persistently.

Allah consoles and advises His Prophet (pbuh), who was disconcerted by the pagans.

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My name is Serdarhan Uyar, and I am the creator of this website. My personal passion lies in studying the Quran. Doing so strengthens my faith in God. That’s why I created this website: To strengthen the faith of others in God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

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